Level 1 Online Course Overview

Healing Touch for Animals® (HTA) is for everyone interested in improving the lives of their animals through energy therapy. In Level 1, you will learn the philosophies of Healing Touch for Animals® (HTA) and the application of energy therapy techniques for animals. During the course, an easy explanation of the physiological response of how animals and people respond to energy therapy is provided and demonstrated.

You will learn how to assess the energy body using touch and off the body techniques. After the energy assessments, you will learn 12 fundamental techniques to support any animal, large or small, including birds, mammals, reptiles, aquatics and exotics.

This online training includes:

  • 30 Instructional videos

  • Complete 120-page comprehensive Level 1 workbook (digital format)

  • Corresponding workbook reading sections noted with each video

  • Progressive open book knowledge and understanding questionnaire

  • Bonus Content

  • Electronic certificate of completion

Upon completion of the course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion and are able to begin the process to become a Certified Practitioner through the Healing Touch for Animals Certification Program.

Level 1 Online Course Objectives


Foundation Energy Facilitation

Physiological Response to Energy Therapy

Animal vs. Human Energy Systems

Energy Presence

Blending Energy

Practitioner Professionalism

Different Species Factors

Energy Assessments


Chakra Balance™

Magnetic Clearing for Animals™


Double Hand Boost


Vibrational Grooming™


Bridging with Behavioral Change™

Etheric Heartbeat™

Self-Chakra Balance™

Activate Your Energy Hands

Energy Facilitation with a Person

Level 1 Online Course Experience

Through a series of videos, Founder Carol Komitor will guide you through each technique's purpose, use, intent, and hand placements. The instructional videos demonstrate each technique on a person (when applicable), a dog, and a horse, although all techniques may be applied to any species. Corresponding workbook reading sections are identified with each technique, and the complete Healing Touch for Animals® (HTA) workbook (in digital format) is available for each level. Online learning allows you to pause, stop or restart your lesson at any time, watch videos as often as you want, and have continuous access to the course.

Upon completion of the Level 1 online course, the student is eligible to move on to the Level 2 course. For those who have already attended an in-person course, this is an excellent opportunity to watch these in-depth training videos of Carol Komitor as she presents the entire HTA Level 1 course.

Level 1 Online Lesson/Video Descriptions

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Healing Touch for Animals®

An invitation to explore energy therapy through Healing Touch for Animals® is offered.

Lesson 2 - Activate Your Energy Hands
Easy applications to open the awareness of how energy flows within your hands.

Lesson 3 - Energy Facilitation with a Person
Learn how to create balance for a person to support self-healing.

Lesson 4- Human / Animal Energy Field
The human energy field works differently than the animals' energy field. This lesson will provide an understanding of the contrasts. This knowledge is vital to be able to work with animals.

Lesson 5 - Chakra Introduction
The chakra system, in a balanced state, supports health on many levels. Understanding how the body's energy centers (chakras) provides a great foundation to support a healthy body and self-healing.

Lesson 6 - Self-Care
The more we care for ourselves, the more we can assist someone else with healing. This lesson explains the "whys" of energy facilitation and how it supports you as you help another.

Lesson 7 - Self-Chakra Balance
This lesson provides a simple application and technique to support your self-healing.

Lesson 8 - Energy Presence
Five steps are needed to provide focus while facilitating energy therapy.

Lesson 9 - Meditation
This guided meditation helps support you in your everyday life. A balance of your body, mind, and spirit will come through to help you become more grounded and centered.

Lesson 10 - Assessment & Pendulum
This lesson will demonstrate how to be neutral to determine energy patterns and flow throughout the energy system.

Hand Assessment
Assessment with the hands will provide a tactile experience to determine how energy patterns are flowing through the body.

Lesson 11 - Chakra Balance for Animals™
A full-body balancing technique, Chakra Balance for Animals™ is considered a foundational application to provide health.

Chakra Balance for Animals™ (Horse Demo)

Lesson 12 - Physiological Response
Learn the simplicity of how the body functions when energy therapy is applied. Relaxation is only the beginning. This lesson explains the mechanics of the energy system support and how the body helps to heal itself. Relaxation to regulate the immune system provides the best support for the body.

Lesson 13 - Magnetic Clearing for Animals™
Magnetic Clearing for Animals™ has been adapted from the human technique to better clear and balance the animal's energy system.

Magnetic Clearing for Animals™ (Horse Demo)

Lesson 14 - Double Hand Boost
The Double Hand Boost technique will teach how to apply a more focused energy balance to one area of the body.

Double Hand Boost (Horse Demo)

Lesson 15 - Vibrational Grooming™
Vibrational Grooming™ provides a balancing technique to use while petting an animal. The technique also demonstrates how to use energy balance with an animal while grooming.

Vibrational Grooming™ (Horse Demo)

Lesson 16 - Ultrasound
Ultrasound is a clearing technique to release energetic congestion from a designated area of the body.

Ultrasound (Horse Demo)

Lesson 17 - Laser
Laser provides a full energy balance deep into the body for a short time.

Laser (Horse Demo)

Lesson 18 - Bridging™
Bridging™ will provide a full-body balancing using only the throat and heart chakras.

Bridging™ (Horse Demo)

Lesson 19 - Bridging with Behavioral Change™
When a behavioral issue looming, Bridging with Behavioral Change™ can assist an animal in making changes through energetic balance and the use of a 5-step process.

Lesson 20 - Etheric Heartbeat™
Etheric Heartbeat™ is a high-frequency technique that works long after the healing session.

Etheric Heartbeat™ (Horse Demo)

Lesson 21 - Etheric Heartbeat™ for Humans
Etheric Heartbeat™ can easily be used on humans to support their energetic balance and strength. The concepts are the same, but a new application is used with humans.

Introduction to Aroma Therapy
Introduction to aroma therapy using essential oils.

Closing Video