PP-Terry Clegg

Terry Clegg

HTCP, HTACP, Usui Reiki Master

Savage, MN 55378

Terry Clegg uses a holistic approach to restoring balance, love, peace and joy to both animals and their humans with the use of a variety of complimentary therapies. The energy medicine treatment aligns the body and energy systems, calms the mind and allows the body to focus on restoring wellness through the natural healing process.

Energy Medicine Benefits:
● Builds confidence in performance
● Complimentary care for neck and back problems
● Creates a sense of well-being
● Decreases pain
● Deepens spiritual connection
● Eases acute and chronic conditions
● Reduces stress, anxiety and separation anxiety, depression
● Strengthens & regulates the Immune System
● Supports the body pre and post surgeries - promotes accelerated healing
● Supports cancer careWorks with behavioral problems through communication and
● Support with during euthanasia
● Develops better connections with people and animals

A Touch of Spirit is a holistic approach to restoring balance, love, peace and joy to individuals with the use of gentle healing touch. Terry Clegg is a holistic practitioner who uses Healing intuitive guidance and energy medicine to assess and balance energy systems to promote natural healing.